Welcome to my articles.

From 2020-2022, I wrote several times a month to inspire, educate and share, using my own learning and journey as a foundation. Below you find all my articles. If you would like to join me on my new journey of growth and leadership, join my newsletter list.

Welcome, 2021 – Why New Year's Resolutions Often Don't Work Out And What You Can Do Instead

Welcome, 2021 – Why New Year's Resolutions Often Don't Work Out And What You Can Do Instead

A year reflection is the first step to live your life intentionally, even if it can get a little uncomfortable. But when you have reached that point, how do you continue? Many people New Year’s resolutions. And while that may work for some, setting resolutions may not be the right thing for you.

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8 Ways To Create More Time In Your Day
Mindfulness & Meditation, Mindset Nina Gruenewald Mindfulness & Meditation, Mindset Nina Gruenewald

8 Ways To Create More Time In Your Day

Recently I have become very passionate about the concept of time. I notice that the main thing that we struggle with when we want to introduce new habits, or simply enjoy our life is that we always seem to run out of time. There seems to never be enough time. But what if there was a different way and time affluence was available to you?

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5 Misconception You May Have About Meditation
Mindfulness & Meditation Nina Gruenewald Mindfulness & Meditation Nina Gruenewald

5 Misconception You May Have About Meditation

Now, there are many reasons why people think that they shouldn’t or cannot meditate, but the thing is - you don’t meditate for the sake of meditating. You meditate in order to train your mind to stay focused on what is, to slow down time and resist reacting blindly to see the whole picture more easily and, after all, to train mind-body awareness, the key to presence and healing.

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