6 Things You *Need* To Do Before You Can Manifest What You Desire With Ease


Before you want to create anything in your life with ease, you need to do a few things first. That means – even before you create the vision of your dream life. Why? The points below will show you how when you don’t do this work, your vision is to some degree faulty, distorted, not quite yours.

This is the time to really slow down and look within with courage and a big heart.

Let’s get started.

Free yourself from and unblock limiting beliefs and fears

The thing with creating what you desire is that you first need to tidy up your cellar of unserving beliefs and fears. Finding ways to do mindset work, shadow work and challenge limiting beliefs will be your gateway to reaching what you desire with a lot more ease. Why? Success is meant to be EASY. We have falsely bought into the belief that success and achievement need to be hard. But to be honest, this is untrue. It may be uncomfortable and stretchy, but it shouldn’t be as hard as we are modelled in society. So, the work you need to do first is to really be kind with yourself and to feel the things you DON’T WANT to feel so that you can then release them. You need to feel it so you can heal it.

Uncover your self-worth

Often, when we believe it to be impossible to reach what we desire in the way we desire – it is strongly linked with our sense of self-worth. “Do I really deserve to create this? Who am I to do this? I don’t know enough. I am not good enough. I am not ________ enough.” And all of us have this to a certain extend. And my heart goes out to you because I know (even though I don’t know YOU) that you are absolutely and 1000% worthy of anything you desire. What would you do differently in life if you had absolutely no doubt about your worthiness? What would you do if you felt your cup overflowing with self-worth (in a non-macho but kind and grounded way!)? And how is this different from what you ARE doing? There is always work that you can do around this. Everyone – even the woman down the road who seems, oh, so self-confident – has moments of low self-esteem. And that is okay. But know that you can change this. You can create a different scenario. And please notice that I say “uncover” and not “uplevel” your self-worth. Because your inherent self-worth is already within you. It’s a matter of peeling back the layers of beliefs and patterns and of mastering your emotions and your view of the world that will help you get home to yourself.

Release comparisonitis

I’d like to make this a separate point, although it also tightly knits into the previous ones. We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by others – mainly online. And while you scroll through so many people’s highlight reels, you may witness your own mind get distracted from your own lane. From shiny object syndrome to feeling like “they are better than me”, all kinds of things can happen in the vortex of the internet – especially on social media. But by releasing comparisonitis, by uncovering your self-worth and confidence in your own way of doing things, you create a safe haven for everything that’s to come in manifesting your dreams. Also, releasing the urge to compare yourself to others is particularly important because you want to make sure that whatever you envision for yourself is what YOU want. Not what anyone else wants. Not your parents, not your neighbour, partner, children, … Not what you think you should want. Not what you would like to want. Because when that is the case – you will not be satisfied when you reach your goal – if you reach your goal. It is about daring to dream about what you truly want. You owe it to yourself. And I know how hard it can be, but I also know that you can absolutely do this.

Believe that it is possible and have faith

You need to believe with every fibre of your soul that it is possible that you can achieve what you desire. This requires a sense of openness and courage, but also faith and – again – belief. This is absolutely crucial because if you don’t believe that this is possible, your subconscious creates a world that makes you believe that it is, indeed impossible. You will see different or no opportunities at all, you step into the world with a mindset of scarcity, you focus on stories and evidence that prove that what you desire is impossible. But when you learn to believe it and to have faith, your world changes. In fact, it takes just as much energy to create negative as it takes to create positive thoughts. It is a matter of HABIT. And yes, if all your life you have felt that you cannot achieve what you desire - or do so with ease - it will take more work to undo this belief. This is where our upbringing has played a big role and where challenging old, inherited and limiting beliefs is inevitable to reach success.

Plant new seeds

And when you have done this important, beautiful work, it is time to actively and intentionally plant a new seed. Or many new seeds. Plant a new seed for a new mindset, a new belief system that is actually supportive of you and your one dear precious life. When you learn to master your mind, you can believe whatever you want and that belief will turn into actions and it will create an outer world that mirrors the belief. Learn to plant new seeds by finding inspiration in other people and in your own life experience. Find evidence that you have what it takes. Make achievement lists. Study the people who have what you want and who started in a similar place as you. The internet is full of them! And also look at your own life and find seeds from the smallest to the biggest size for a new belief tree. And nourish and tend to that tree. Your mind is like a garden – you want to take care of what grows and you get to choose what plants you grow. But it is not a one-time activity. When you don’t continue to fertilise and water your new tree, it just may wilt away and the old belief tree takes over again because that is what our mind does – it opts for what is the most familiar.

Choose love and compassion

Always choose love and compassion for all parts of yourself. When you have spotted a belief that does not serve you – don’t criticise yourself for it and also don’t criticise the part of you that carries that thought or belief and associated emotions. Always meet them with love and kindness. Drop into your body and meet your tensions and fears and emotions and energetic blocks with an openness of heart as you would want to receive it from a parent as a child. Do that and see the fear and the attachment and even the bodily sensations dissolve once you allow them to be there without any judgment. Not even YOU have the right to criticise that long-suffering part of you. Where society may look onto parts of you – such as strong emotions or anger or fear or whatever it is – and chuckle, raise an eye-brow or look away, YOU are the one who doesn’t chuckle but who embraces and cradles this part of you and looks at it and tells it: “I am here for you. I got you.”


These are six different parts of very deep work that are immensely powerful and that make any other work after a lot easier. If you want to envision your – truly your – own dream life, it is important that you do this work before you take action. You can take action immediately, of course, but don’t get lost in busy work as a way of distracting yourself from the things you don’t want to feel. This is big and you got this. You absolutely got this. I so believe in you and I know that you are beyond worthy of achieving the freedom that comes from this work and also from achieving the goals you envision for yourself!

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Pps. Are you looking to get clear on what you want in life, learn to deeply love yourself and be compassionate with yourself while also making a difference in the world? I got you. I would love to be there for you and help you achieve what you are dreaming of. If this sounds amazing to you, get in touch about a complimentary clarity call or learn more about my coaching here. ✨


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