Your Year Review 2021


Have you reflected on all your achievements in 2021 yet?

So often we run from week to week, from month to month and from year to year without ever being still and looking back and at how far we have come.

Often we look for clarity in our crazy minds that run 100 miles an hour trying to solve the problems of the future that doesn't exist yet (neither the problem nor the future!).

But clarity and certainty you find neither in your thoughts nor the non-existent future.

You can find it in the past instead.

Because here is the thing – you are not looking for clarity. You are looking for CONFIDENCE.

In English, you have the two words "trust" and "confidence". In German, they are "Vertrauen" and "Selbstvertrauen" (“self-trust”). Confidence is trust in yourself. Trust in your ability to take on what’s coming up next.

And you learn to trust yourself when you take a moment to take a breath and look how much you have achieved and how much you have survived/overcome/struggled through and made work in the past.

There is no need to create castles made of clouds and ideas and dreams and come up with fantastic reasons why you are amazing. The truth is that you had steadfast evidence in your last 12 months (even 3 months – even 3 days) that you are exactly that.

But that’s not the only reason why you want to do a year review.

When was the last time you simply held still and celebrated yourself and your wins? (I mean for longer than 3 seconds.)

We live in a society where we try to achieve, achieve, achieve – do, do, do.

But there is no value in any of it if we don’t celebrate how far we have come or simply celebrate ourselves for who we are and even for our mess-ups.

Because that’s life.

And you have made it this far.


If you want to do me one favour this year, it is this:

Sit down and make a list of your achievements this year. Sit with that list. Smile at it and just really embody it. Feel the fuzz in your body. Dance to it, put a song on and just dance in your room or office and just take it all in – your amazingness.

I’m serious.

Making a list of achievements is such a simple exercise but it often comes up with my clients.

Because you are not alone in rushing past your achievements, barely noticing them.

But when they make the list, they have a lot of fun. They begin to see how much they have indeed achieved and done. They start by writing down the big things. But I also encourage them to write down the tiniest things. And also to write down the struggles that they have overcome. Because the struggles you have overcome are often the biggest wins, those that really shape and change you.

Here are some questions to get you started:

What did I achieve in 2021?

What am I proud of in 2021?

What was a mistake I made in 2021 and what did I learn from it?

What did I do in 2021 that doesn’t feel like an achievement because it seems too small?

When did I fall down and pick myself back up?

What were some hard days in 2021 but I made it through?

What am I ready to let go of in 2022?


You are a miracle

We tend to forget about all the circumstances that got us to where we are.

And in themselves they may seem banal or uninteresting.

But taken all together, what a miracle is it that you are here right now in this moment?

Life is not something to be conquered.

It’s there to be LIVED, to be CHERISHED, and ENJOYED.

Invite more play, fun and celebration into your life.

And start it now with your 2021 year review.



PS. Do you want to have a word for next year? Do you want to live next year with more guidance, intention and focus? Are you sick of making New Years’ Resolutions that don’t stick? Do you want to find a concept that lets you deeply connect to yourself and your life? I have cooked up a small beautiful little offer for you. I would love to support and coach you on your word for the year 2022.

Your Word Of The Year 2022:

  • Worksheet to begin playing with what your word of the year 2022 could be

  • 1x 90 mins coaching to dive deeper on the meaning, to let your soul and heart express themselves, to look at what you are craving missing, wanting to create

  • 1x 45 mins follow up session 3 weeks later

  • creating ideas on how to live your word of the year

  • quarterly e-mail check-ins throughout 2022

  • video teaching on the power of having a word of the year

  • and more

    Make 2022 your year here.


PPS. Whenever you’re ready…

If you want to get clearer on your purpose, learn to love yourself, find the courage to step into your vision and make a difference in the world  – let’s have a powerful non-binding conversation! I know you are here for a reason and I’d love to support you further. My support looks like this: You talk. You tell me about your dreams and your struggles. I listen. We play. Your life changes.

I’ve seen it time and time again. I’m ready when you are.


PPPS. If you loved this blog post, please share the love with a friend you know would benefit from it. Send it to them via WhatsApp, email it to them, text it to them, ... Whatever you've got to do to get this in their hands. ✨


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